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SOLD - 1957 Story & Clark Console Piano
Mahogany Beauty
This console piano has a beautiful cabinet and is in really good condition. Our tuner looked at it and did not see any repair needed. Come by and play. FOR A LIMITED TIME this piano is 25% off the listed price of $700. Come by today and get a great deal!


Always a top piano when made by Baldwin.
SOLD - Wurlitzer spinet piano - $400

Delightful spinet.

Small and bright.

Needs a tuning.
SOLD - Fischer Baby Grand - $900

Antiqued White
Fischer is a good brand for pianos.
This 1925 baby grand plays and sounds well, complete with the original ivories. Asking price is $900 and currently we are having a piano sale, so this sweetheart is ONLY $675!!!

Revenge, Revanche, VENDETTA!!!!

*Photo by "Picasso" (edited)

"Revenge (...) consists primarily of retaliation against a person or group in response to a perceived wrongdoing. (...) Revenge resemble or echo the concept of justice (...). The goal of revenge usually consists of forcing the perceived wrongdoer to suffer the same pain that was originally inflicted."

in Wikipedia

Sonnet CXLIX

"Canst thou, O cruel! say I love thee not,

When I against myself with thee partake?

Do I not think on thee, when I forgot

Am of myself, all tyrant, for thy sake?

Who hateth thee that I do call my friend?

On whom frown'st thou that I do fawn upon?

Nay, if thou lour'st on me, do I not spend

Revenge upon myself with present moan?

What merit do I in myself respect,

That is so proud thy service to despise,

When all my best doth worship thy defect,

Commanded by the motion of thine eyes?

But, love, hate on, for now I know thy mind;

Those that can see thou lovest, and I am blind. "

poem by William Shakespeare
SOLD - Kimball Baby Grand - $850

Beautiful, walnut baby grand that is only 30 years old. It plays smoothly and sounds good. Measures 60" front to back. Check it out!
SOLD - 1918 Brambach Baby Grand Piano

This is a hot deal!
Recently refurbished with new hammers and dampers.
Original ivories are in perfect condition!!
This piano plays and sounds beautiful.
SOLD - Everett spinet piano - $400

****A bargain of a piano with nice tone and good action.

SOLD - $400 Gulbransen Spinet Piano

This piano was hardly ever played and needs your love! Cabinet and parts in excellent condition. Great if you prefer a lighter piano.
SOLD - Kimball Spinet Piano - $450

Our tuner diagnosed that standard maintenance is all this beauty needs to provide many years of music in the air. A great deal!
SOLD - Beautiful ebony baby grand - $1500

Made by
Weissbrod in Germany.

* fine tone
* terrific action
* lightly used felts
* nice ebony and ivory keys

We have the actual receipt from the German store that sold it in 1923!
Just tune it and play.
SOLD - Kohler & Campbell Console Piano - $500

This attractive little piano was diagnosed by our professional tuner as being in excellent condition.
Now it can be yours.

Happy playing!

SOLD - Chickering Spinet Piano - $675

Chickering was the first American piano manufacturer.
They make good quality instruments.
This 31 year old piano plays well and is solid.
Let this terrific instrument grace your home. It has a nice sound and a very reputable brand name.
Haines baby grand piano. It's perfect for a smaller place -- only 56" deep. The cabinet is extraordinarily beautiful. A nice instrument that is fairly new, in great shape and should provide joy for many many years.

SOLD - Wurlitzer spinet - $450

Small piano with good tone
Made in 1960.
Reliable brand which should last for many years to come.

SOLD - Spinet Piano - $325

Made by Kohler.
Bright sound.
SOLD - Art Deco Steinway "Victory" piano - $2750

What can one say? It's a Steinway! Regularly tuned and cared for. Extraordinarily brilliant sound. Serial #315973.

History: Manufactured in New York on April 26, 1944 and was sold on that same day to the War Dept. in Washington D.C. It was then shipped to Transfer Officer, Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot. Very few of these were made (estimated 1000) and their sturdiness made them a perfect instrument to entertain the troops during USO shows on naval ships.
SOLD - Classy Black 1926 Ludwig Baby Grand

A lovely piano with a rich tone, smooth action & no structural problems. Our tuner diagnosed it. Only needs a tuning to star in your lovely home.
Asking $1650
SOLD - magnificent Baldwin spinet

This piano is in good condition and should play satisfactorily for many years.

SOLD - This console is approx. 20 years old and in excellent condition. Everything works. Compact size makes it perfect for any home.


SOLD - French Provincial Story & Clark Console Piano

This lovely console piano is in excellent shape and ready to play. It will only need tuning and it's good to go!



"The wolf was sick, he vowed a monk to be: But when he got well, a wolf once more was he." - Walter Brower
Photo by António M Pinto, "Escadaria para o Céu"

A feeling of regret for one's sins or misdeeds:
compunction, contriteness, contrition, penitence, penitency, remorse, remorsefulness, rue. Theology attrition. See regret/impenitence."

in http://

"If you repent," the Parson said,"
Your sins will be forgiven.
Aye, even on your dying bed
You're not too late for heaven."

That's just my cup of tea, I thought,
Though for my sins I sorrow;
Since salvation is easy bought
I will repent . . . to-morrow.

To-morrow and to-morrow went,
But though my youth was flying,
I was reluctant to repent,
having no fear of dying.

'Tis plain, I mused, the more I sin,
(To Satan's jubilation)
When I repent the more I'll win
Celestial approbation.

So still I sin, and though I fail
To get snow-whitely shriven,
My timing's good: I home to hail
The last bus up to heaven.

poem by Robert Service


*Photo by Maximino Gomes

"Boredom is a state of mind in which one interprets one's environment as dull, tedious, and lacking stimuli. There is an inherent anxiety in boredom; people will expend considerable effort to prevent or remedy it, yet in many circumstances it is accepted as an inevitable suffering to be endured. A common way to escape boredom is through creative thoughts or daydreaming.
Time often seems to move more slowly to someone who experiences boredom; this results from the way in which the human mind measures the passage of time, combined with the infrequency of events perceived as notable."

in Wikipedia

All those times I was bored
out of my mind. Holding the log
while he sawed it. Holding
the string while he measured, boards,
distances between things, or pounded
stakes into the ground for rows and rows
of lettuces and beets, which I then (bored)
weeded. Or sat in the back
of the car, or sat still in boats,
sat, sat, while at the prow, stern, wheel
he drove, steered, paddled. It
wasn't even boredom, it was looking,
looking hard and up close at the small
details. Myopia. The worn gunwales,
the intricate twill of the seat
cover. The acid crumbs of loam, the granular
pink rock, its igneous veins, the sea-fans
of dry moss, the blackish and then the graying
bristles on the back of his neck.
Sometimes he would whistle, sometimes
I would. The boring rhythm of doing
things over and over, carrying
the wood, drying
the dishes. Such minutiae. It's what
the animals spend most of their time at,
ferrying the sand, grain by grain, from their tunnels,
shuffling the leaves in their burrows. He pointed
such things out, and I would look
at the whorled texture of his square finger, earth under
the nail. Why do I remember it as sunnier
all the time then, although it more often
rained, and more birdsong?
I could hardly wait to get
the hell out of there to
anywhere else. Perhaps though
boredom is happier. It is for dogs or
groundhogs. Now I wouldn't be bored.
Now I would know too much.
Now I would know.

Poem by Margaret Atwood


"The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved." — Mother Teresa (1910-1998)
*Photo by "Picasso"

"They're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinking alone. "

Billy Joel, "Piano Man", Piano Man (1973)

"Loneliness is an emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful feeling of emptiness and isolation. Loneliness is more than just the feeling of wanting company or wanting to do something with another person. Loneliness is a feeling of being cut off, disconnected and alienated from other people. The lonely person may find it difficult or even impossible to have any form of meaningful human contact. Lonely people often experience a subjective sense of inner emptiness or hollowness, with feelings of separation or isolation from the world."

in Wikipedia

Being apart and lonely is like rain.
It climbs toward evening from the ocean plains;
from flat places, rolling and remote, it climbs
to heaven, which is its old abode.
And only when leaving heaven drops upon the city.

It rains down on us in those twittering
hours when the streets turn their faces to the dawn,
and when two bodies who have found nothing,
dissapointed and depressed, roll over;
and when two people who despise each other
have to sleep together in one bed-

that is when loneliness receives the rivers...

Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke
SOLD - Kimball Console Grand

A very special instrument.
This is called a console grand because it is small like a console but has strings the length of a baby grand.
Thus generating a rich and full sound! The action is easy and the soundboard and pinblock are solid.
Bench included. Take it for a test run today.

SOLD - Wurlitzer spinet
Great for a student.
A decent little piano.
Made in 1946.
Check it out.

Righteous Indignation

*Foto de Augusto Tomé

"Righteous indignation is an emotion one feels when one becomes angry over perceived mistreatment, insult, or malice."

in Wikipedia

To the Whore who Took my Poems
some say we should keep personal remorse from the poem,
stay abstract, and there is some reason in this,
but jezus;
twelve poems gone and I don't keep carbons and you have
paintings too, my best ones; its stifling:
are you trying to crush me out like the rest of them?
why didn't you take my money? they usually do
from the sleeping drunken pants sick in the corner.
next time take my left arm or a fifty
but not my poems:
I'm not Shakespeare
but sometime simply
there won't be any more, abstract or otherwise;
there'll always be mony and whores and drunkards
down to the last bomb,
but as God said,
crossing his legs,
I see where I have made plenty of poets
but not so very much

poem by Charles Bukowski


*foto de Manuel Carlos, intitulada "Cansaço"

"The word fatigue is used in everyday living to describe a range of afflictions, varying from a general state of lethargy to a specific work-induced burning sensation within one's muscles. Physiologically, "fatigue" describes the inability to continue functioning at the level of one's normal abilities (...) due to an increased perception of effort (Enoka & Stuart 1992). Fatigue is ubiquitous in everyday life, but usually becomes particularly noticeable during heavy exercise."

in Wikipedia

"Tired and unhappy, you think of houses
Soft-carpeted and warm in the December evening,
While snow's white pieces fall past the window,
And the orange firelight leaps.
A young girl sings
That song of Gluck where Orpheus pleads with Death;
Her elders watch, nodding their happiness
To see time fresh again in her self-conscious eyes:
The servants bring in the coffee, the children go to bed,
Elder and younger yawn and go to bed,
The coals fade and glow, rose and ashen,
It is time to shake yourself! and break this
Banal dream, and turn your head
Where the underground is charged, where the weight
Of the lean building is seen,
Where close in the subway rush, anonymous
In the audience, well-dressed or mean,
So many surround you, ringing your fate,
Caught in an anger exact as a machine!"

poem by Delmore Schwartz


"Lust is any intense desire or craving for self gratification. Lust can mean strictly sexual lust, although it is also common to speak of a "lust for life", "lust for blood (bloodlust for short)", or a "lust for power" or other goals.
As a moral term, lust implies a sexual desire for its own sake, an
erotic arousal and wish, or intense physical or sexual attraction or craving."

from Wikipedia

"I like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite a new thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like,, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz
of your electric fur, and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh....And eyes big love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill

of under me you quite so new"

poem by e.e. cummings


"Acceptance, in spirituality, mindfulness, and human psychology, usually refers to the experience of a situation without an intention to change that situation. Acceptance does not require that change is possible or even conceivable, nor does it require that the situation be desired or approved by those accepting it. Indeed, acceptance is often suggested when a situation is both disliked and unchangeable, or when change may be possible only at great cost or risk. (...) Thus someone may decide to take no action against a situation and yet be said to have not accepted it."

in Wikipedia


When the spent sun throws up its rays on cloud

And goes down burning into the gulf below,
No voice in nature is heard to cry aloud
At what has happened. Birds, at least must know
It is the change to darkness in the sky.
Murmuring something quiet in her breast,
One bird begins to close a faded eye;
Or overtaken too far from his nest,
Hurrying low above the grove, some waif
Swoops just in time to his remembered tree.
At most he thinks or twitters softly, 'Safe!
Now let the night be dark for all of me.
Let the night be too dark for me to see
Into the future. Let what will be, be.'

poem by Robert Frost


*foto de Nuno Milheiro

  1. "The belief that something wished for can happen. "
  2. "Something which may cause something hoped for to happen; source of hope."

in Wiktionary

"Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope implies a certain amount of perseverance — i.e., believing that a positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary. "

in Wikipedia

To Hope

When by my solitary hearth I sit,

And hateful thoughts enwrap my soul in gloom;

When no fair dreams before my "mind's eye" flit,

And the bare heath of life presents no bloom;

Sweet Hope, ethereal balm upon me shed,

And wave thy silver pinions o'er my head!

Whene'er I wander, at the fall of night,

Where woven boughs shut out the moon's bright ray,

Should sad Despondency my musings fright,

And frown, to drive fair Cheerfulness away,

Peep with the moonbeams through the leafy roof,

And keep that fiend Despondence far aloof!

Should Disappointment, parent of Despair,

Strive for her son to seize my careless heart;

When, like a cloud, he sits upon the air,

Preparing on his spell-bound prey to dart:

Chase him away, sweet Hope, with visage bright,

And fright him as the morning frightens night!

Whene'er the fate of those I hold most dear

Tells to my fearful breast a tale of sorrow,

O bright-eyed Hope, my morbidfancy cheer;

Let me awhile thy sweetest comforts borrow:

Thy heaven-born radiance around me shed,

And wave thy silver pinions o'er my head!

Should e'er unhappy love my bosom pain,

From cruel parents, or relentless fair;

O let me think it is not quite in vain

To sigh out sonnets to the midnight air!

Sweet Hope, ethereal balm upon me shed,

And wave thy silver pinions o'er my head!

In the long vista of the years to roll,

Let me not see our country's honour fade:

O let me see our land retain her soul,

Her pride, her freedom; and not freedom's shade.

From thy bright eyes unusual brightness shed

Beneath thy pinions canopy my head!

Let me not see the patriot's high bequest,

Great Liberty! how great in plain attire!

With the base purple of a court oppress'd,

Bowing her head, and ready to expire:

But let me see thee stoop from heaven on wings

That fill the skies with silver glitterings!

And as, in sparkling majesty, a star

Gilds the bright summit of some gloomy cloud;

Brightening the half veil'd face of heaven afar:

So, when dark thoughts my boding spirit shroud,

Sweet Hope, celestial influence round me shed,

Waving thy silver pinions o'er my head!

poem by John Keats

SOLD - Chickering spinet piano - $650
Chickering is a good brand and this little piano lives up to its name.
The key tops are original ivory in surprisingly good condition -- bright with no chips. The action is fine, the inside is clean and the wood shows little wear. Over all, a very well preserved instrument.


Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state that involves a complex combination of emotions that include fear, apprehension, and worry. It is often accompanied by physical sensations such as heart palpitations, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, or tension headache.
(from Wikipedia)

Ghazal 314
You who are not kept anxiously awake for love's sake, sleep on.

In restless search for that river, we hurry along;
you whose heart such anxiety has not disturbed, sleep on.
Love's place is out beyond the many separate sects;
since you love choosing and excluding, sleep on.
Love's dawn cup is our sunrise, his dusk our supper;
you whose longing is for sweets and whose passion is for supper, sleep on.
In search of the philosopher's stone, we are melting like copper;
you whose philosopher's stone is cushion and pillow, sleep on.
I have abandoned hope for my brain and head; you who wish for
a clear head and fresh brain, sleep on.
I have torn speech like a tattered robe and let words go;
you who are still dressed in your clothes, sleep on.

Translated by Jack Marshall
Arabian Nights Coffeehouse Press, October 1986

*Photo: Rui J. Santos


"The famous saudade of the Portuguese is a vague and constant desire for
something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the
present, a turning towards the past or towards the future; not an active
discontent or poignant sadness but an indolent dreaming wistfulness."

A.F.G. Bell

*Foto por Renato Marques

"Tomorrow"-whose location

"Tomorrow"—whose location

The Wise deceives

Though its hallucination

Is last that leaves—

Tomorrow—thou Retriever

Of every tare—

Of Alibi art thou

Or ownest where?

poem by Emily Dickinson

SOLD - This little honey is 25 to 30 years old and in terrific shape.
It's a Kohler & Campbell spinet.
The action is smooth.
The sound is bright.

It will bring joy into your home for many decades to come.

SOLD - Spinet piano by Richmond.
Cute piano with a lively tone.
Richmond pianos have a good sound. The keys on this one have good action, too. Serial #8171.

SOLD - 56" baby grand piano
A beautiful instrument with good tone and action.
Made by Baldwin for Monarch company in the 1930s.
Cabinet is mahogany. Has been checked out by professional piano tuner Ray Landsberg. Needs one tuning. $1400

SOLD - Sohmer spinet piano $600
This little spinet has a bright sound and a handsome body.
Come take it for a test run.

SOLD - A rich sound eminates from this beautiful Aeolian spinet piano!
The name Aeolian was known the world over in connection with musical instruments in the late nineteenth and throughout much of the twentieth century. The cabinet and the keys on this piano are in very good condition. It should provide years of quality service and enjoyment.

SOLD - 1993 Yamaha Electone organ + bench
Includes turbo upgrade
Excellent condition
Sounds fantastic

SOLD - Estey spinet from the early 1950s
This is a decent instrument with no structural problems.
It should be serviceable for many years.
Come take it for a test run or
call 510-763-3342 for more info.

SOLD - Sherman Clay Baby Grand
Make this piano your show piece.
This stunning piano is in very good condition with little wear.
It has a brilliant sound which will become excellent with a tuning.
Visit us today or call 510-763-3342 for more information.