

–verb (used without object) have or suffer a continuous, dull pain: His whole body ached. feel great sympathy, pity, or the like: Her heart ached for the starving animals. feel eager; yearn; long: She ached to be the champion. He's just aching to get even.
4.a continuous, dull pain (in contrast to a sharp, sudden, or sporadic pain). Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.

"If you are still being hurt by an event that happened to you at twelve, it is the thought that is hurting you now. "
(James Hillman)

*photo by Lonely Pierot

After Many Days

I WONDER if with you, as it is with me,
If under your slipping words, that easily flow
About you as a garment, easily,
Your violent heart beats to and fro!

Long have I waited, never once confessed,
Even to myself, how bitter the separation;
Now, being come again, how make the best

If I could cast this clothing off from me,
If I could lift my naked self to you,
Of if only you would repulse me, a wound would be
Good; it would let the ache come through.

But that you hold me still so kindly cold
Aloof my floating heart will not allow;
Yea, but I loathe you that you should withhold
Your pleasure now.

D.H. Lawrence

A well maintained, 1940s Deco piano with excellent tone and slick action.

Bitter sorrow

1. having a harsh, disagreeably acrid taste, like that of aspirin, quinine, wormwood, or aloes.
2. producing one of the four basic taste sensations; not sour, sweet, or salt.
3. hard to bear; grievous; distressful: a bitter sorrow.
4. causing pain; piercing; stinging: a bitter chill.
5. characterized by intense antagonism or hostility: bitter hatred.
6. hard to admit or accept: a bitter lesson.
7. resentful or cynical: bitter words. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.

"The only antidote to mental suffering
is physical pain."
(Karl Marx)

*Image by Alex Everitt

Sweet hours have perished here;1767

Sweet hours have perished here;
This is a mighty room;
Within its precincts hopes have played,—
Now shadows in the tomb.

Emily Dickinson




— n
1. any break in the skin or an organ or part as the result of violence or a surgical incision
2. an injury to plant tissue
3. any injury or slight to the feelings or reputation

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins

"There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with."
(Harry Crews)

*Photo by Scott James Preble

Here Is A Wound That Never Will Heal, I Know

Here is a wound that never will heal, I know,
Being wrought not of a dearness and a death,
But of a love turned ashes and the breath
Gone out of beauty; never again will grow
The grass on that scarred acre, though I sow
Young seed there yearly and the sky bequeath
Its friendly weathers down, far Underneath
Shall be such bitterness of an old woe.
That April should be shattered by a gust,
That August should be levelled by a rain,
I can endure, and that the lifted dust
Of man should settle to the earth again;
But that a dream can die, will be a thrust
Between my ribs forever of hot pain.

Edna St. Vincent Millay