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Wonder is an emotion comparable to surprise that people feel when perceiving something rare or unexpected. Unlike surprise, however, it is more definitely positive in valence and can endure for longer periods. It has also been specifically linked with curiosity and the drive for scientific investigation. Wonder is also often compared to the emotion of awe but awe implies fear or respect rather than joy.

in Wikipedia

"From wonder into wonder existence opens."
(Lao Tzu)

*Photo by Pedro Moreira
taken at Lello & Irmão, one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world


If on isle of the sea
I have to tarry,
With one book, let it be
A Dictionary.
For though I love life's scene,
It seems absurd,
My greatest joy has been
The printed word.

Though painter with delight
May colours blend,
They are but in his sight
Means to an end.
Yet while I harmonise
Or pattern them,
A precious word I prize
Like to a gem.

A fiddler lures fine tone
From gut and wood;
A sculptor from stark stone
Shapes godlihood.
But let me just caress,
Like silver birds,
For their own loveliness--
Bewitching words.

Robert Service