Blog Archive


OK  >>     I normally do not write much in my posts, I stay with the music info usually & the download links. But, I must say I am getting very tired of "comments or emails" from folks saying I am stupid, or making their life miserable, or bait & switch, or I have no idea how to run a blog to make it the easiest way possible for you to download FREE music.

So let me tell you once & for all [yeah right!] what the heck is going on & what TUNZ WORLD is exactly, so those of you who are selfish, lazy & stupid might grasp this super hard concept.  And you can leave me alone with your petty & ignorant comments.

If you haven't bookmarked or even been to & seen the webpage with the above information & link-thru's on it it is again......

Now do you see THREE pictures?

That is a very, very large clue that Tunz World has 3 areas to it.  Let's see now, there is the google blog [where Tunz World started & is our Archive Area], there is a radio station, and there is a Community Area.  The Community Area requires registration & login to be able to post & see links, the reason for this to keep spam-bots from posting porn on the forum & hotlinking all over the internet & getting our links deleted.  [which takes hours to re-upload]

There will be "updates" and regular posts at the blog linking to the Community Area, which requires login to see links, if any.  This IS NOT "bait & switch", unless you consider baiting you from one free area to another free area a bad thing.

This is ALL one site!  I know you are not used to change.....I know you want us to be just like "every other" simple blog out there on the internet posting free music for you to download.  But we are not & will not be like everyone else.  Period.  Can't you tell that when you visit our blog we aren't like everyone else?  Is it that hard to grasp?  Is it that hard for you to take a minute or two to register, is it that hard to say "THANK YOU", is it that hard to realize I may know what the fuck I am doing..........after all I've only spent hours & hours, day after day, four years so far building this music site?  Do you think I am that stupid that I do not know what I am doing?  3,000 quality sounding bootlegs posted for YOU for FREE......and it is too much trouble for you to pay attention to what has been built for YOUR BENEFIT?????


Well next time you want to leave a comment for me complaining about how miserable your life is because you have to waste a few seconds logging into an area of our website, not caring about the endless hours I spent building & posting all this for you to have for me a small favor, type your complaint up but instead of posting it, print it out and then take it and shove it up your fucking ass!

And after you've made an ass-sandwich out of your opinions, please leave my site and do not come back.......we don't need or want you hanging around.