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Dep`ri*va"tion\, n. [LL. deprivatio.]
1. The act of depriving, dispossessing, or bereaving; the act of deposing or divesting of some dignity.
2. The state of being deprived; privation; loss; want; bereavement.
Note: Deprivation may be a beneficio or ab officio; the first takes away the living, the last degrades and deposes from the order.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
(Alfred Lord Tennyson)

I lost a World - the other day!

I lost a World - the other day!
Has Anybody found?
You'll know it by the Row of Stars
Around its forehead bound.

A Rich man—might not notice it—
Yet—to my frugal Eye,
Of more Esteem than Ducats—
Oh find it—Sir—for me!

Emily Dickinson